By Using your mobile phone , you are now just a few clicks and less than 24 hours from a golf lesson by
Viktor Gustavsson and VG Golf Academy!
Now can you buy your mobile phone ( iPhone / Smartphone ) quickly get help with your swing or short game for only 190 kr.
After my analysis , you will finally understand your own swing so that you can more easily reach your goals. Whether it is an online or at the academy at Haninge for a lesson , there will be a new experience.
With a few keystrokes on your phone have you filmed your swing and sent it for analysis to me . Within 24 hours you will have a full analysis , complete exercise program tailored tutorials and check points to help you train right.
Your lessons from me will be available in your mobile phone or computer 24 hours a day , 7 days a week, 365 days a year so you can repeat whenever you want , wherever you’re located . To do this:
- Download V1 Golf direct to your phone or from Itunes or equivalent to your smartphone.
- Register as a user .
- Film your swing or short game stroke via V1 application on your phone .
- Send to or uppload to locker , via your phone.
- 24 hours later you have a lesson with exercises that you can see the phone and computer.